Demerit Points
All drivers start with zero demerit points. Demerit points are accrued by breaching road rules or commiting driving offences. Your demerit point limit is dependent on the type of licence you hold. For full licence holders, your limit is 12 points. For probationary licence holders, your limit is 5 points.
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Active demerit points
Demerit points are ‘active’ for a 3 year period from the date the offence occurred. Therefore, if you plead guilty to a demerit point offence some time in the future, those points will be calculated by VicRoads as at the date of the offence. Therefore, you may lose your licence if those points ‘tip you over’ your limit within a 3-year period. The courts have no discretion as to whether or not to give you demerit points. It is an automatic process applied by VicRoads.
What should I do?
If you are unsure about the demerit point calculations and whether you may lose your licence, contact VicRoads. Ask for a copy of your demerit point history and then insert the current offence in the timeline of offences and add up whether you have hit your limit within a 3 year period.
If you intend to contest the charge which has lead to the demerit point, contact a solicitor.
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